Saturday, July 5, 2008


Sadie turned one on Monday. It's pretty wild to think back on the past year and how much our lives have changed and especially how much she has grown and developed. The first year is really incredible. Those first few months, she couldn't really do anything. She just ate, pooped and slept. We were so excited when she rolled over. Then she sat up, and it was the coolest thing anyone had ever done. Pretty soon, she was crawling, and I couldn't figure out how it didn't hurt her knees to crawl around on our hard floors. But it clearly didn't, because she crawled all over the place. When she started walking a couple months earlier than baby-centersaid she would, we were convinced our daughter was a prodigy. While we now know that its not that unusual for a baby to walk at nine months, we still think our Sadie is pretty special. One things for certain--she is a cutie-pie. Here's the proof:

She didn't know what to make of her cake at first

but she quickly decided

that she really, really liked it.

"I really, really like this cake!"

"See, I told you it was really good."

Time for presents!

Here's the kitchen set that she loves...

and here's her singing puppy. She wasn't sure what to make of him at first either,

but she quickly decided he was pretty cool. That's her, "he's pretty cool" face. Promise.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures, she is so cute. Her hair is really starting to come out. I am glad she had a good birthday and 4th

Anonymous said...

tom, nice job on the blog. I definitely watched all your videos while i was at the reference desk in the library and almost died laughing when sadie started charging the towel and dancing to the washing machine. classic. keep 'em coming. she is adorable.