Monday, March 10, 2008

Almost walking

Sadie just started crawling about a month ago. It didn't take her long, though, to decide that crawling is boring. She wants to walk. She can't walk by herself yet, but she's getting pretty good at walking if you hold her hands. So here are some videos of her struttin' her stuff.

She loves to play with other little kids. Unfortunately, she can't really do much except pull other kids' hair. But I think she's going to be good at playing tag.

She's got this little walker, but it goes way too fast on hardwoood floors. So we try to keep her on the carpet.

This is what happens when she doesn't stay on the carpet. (She must get her coordination from Jill.)

Did I mention she's pretty aggressive?

1 comment:

Jolene said...

Sadie has grown so much since we have seen her. Thanks for posting, I feel like we are there with you! She is such a cutie, but you knew that already!