Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Some cute videos of Sadie

These are just some random video clips from the past few weeks. The first one is of Sadie chasing Puff on Easter. Granny Annie says that Sadie loves to chase her cats, but this was the first time that I got to see it. The second clip is of Sadie "reading." She's gettting better, though. Usually, I can get through at least three pages before she rips the book out of my hands and starts gnawing on it. The third clips is a good example of another one of Sadie's favorite things to chew on--her shoes (or flip-flops, in this case). And finally, Sadie is now a crawling machine and loves to go exploring.


Anonymous said...

Sadie is so cute. She is getting so big. She looks like Jill in the picture on the unicorn.


Jlowryjr said...

Those are some cute videos. I like where she is in her car and does this little headshake when she looks at the cat food, as if to say "Even I wouldn't eat that."
She's getting big!